Easy and Fast way to Demarcate the Land through Local Commission
What is demarcation process and why is it important in land ?
Disputes in Lands and properties are very common nowadays and almost impossible to solve with mutual consent of both and more parties . Because each person used to think that they right and intent to grab more and more area and even muscle power can be used to encroach the area and extend the boundary. Now families are divided in parts and land share has to divide by Govt. Authorities and record this .The only solution to acquire or know the exact boundary of particular person through demarcation recommended by revenue officer, Department of Revenue, Himachal Pradesh.
Section 107 of the H.P. Land Revenue Act 1954.
Section 107 of the H.P. Land Revenue Act, 1954 empowers the Revenue Officers to define boundaries / limits of any estate, or of any holding, field or other portion of an estate.
Local commissioner for Demarcation
Department of Revenue , Govt. of Himachal Pradesh has limited sources to tackle or dispose off the demarcation cases on time , To solve or dispose off these kind of cases at earliest or timely settle the demarcation related dispute through Government’s procedure. Revenue office used to appoint retired Kanungo for demarcation on Revenue Department’s behalf . Tehsil Offices of Himachal Pradesh have the list of appointed or authorized Local Commissioners.
Benefit of Local Commissioner Appointment
- Fast demarcation through legal and Government’s process.
- To get convenient dates for demarcation.
Process of apply for Local Commissioner for Demarcation
- Take the list of local commissioners of concerned Tehsil Office.
- An interested person shall submit an application though concerned document writer and advocate.
- Tehsildar / Naib Tehsildar will summon all concerned parties in Tehsil Court in a particular date.
- In particular date before Tehsildar each parties will record their statements regarding demarcation.
- If any party raise any kind of concreted objection before Tehsildar .Then Tehsildar has the right to summon all parties to next date.
- If all parties are ready for demarcation then Revenue Officer /Tehsildar will ask from parties that which local commission has to choose for demarcation.
- Tehsildar will instruct to meet to recommended local commissioner and take the convenient date.
- Demarcation file will send to concerned Patwari Circle Office for further action.
- Local Commissioner will also summon concerned parties on decided date through Patwar Chowkidar.
- Demarcation Day.
- Local Commissioner takes the closing statement from Parties and submit report in Tehsildar Office.
The material and information contained on this article is for general information and educational purpose only . Kindly contact concerned authority for more information because rules can be change or amend time to time by Government of Himachal Pradesh ,concerned Department and concerned District.