Process and Checklist for Subdivision /Plotting /Development of Land cases in Himachal Pradesh
When you are thinking regarding the subdivision / Plotting / Development of Land in Himachal Pradesh. You have to go through the process and guidelines laid by Government of Himachal Pradesh , Concerned Department and Authorities ( TCP / SADA / Municipal Offices ) .
TCP means Town and Country Planning Department
SADA means Special Area Development Authorities
Municipal Offices – Nagar Panchayat , Nagar Parishad ,Nagar Nigam etc.
Before get involved into this process you need to know that who are playing role in this entire process from individual to concerned department / authorities.
Experienced Real Estate Agent / Property Dealer
Hire the services of Experienced Real Estate Agent / Property Dealer because he is dealing with land and property related matter on the daily basis and also keep in touch with each development of law , process and also familiar with professionals and concerned officers. By hiring good and experienced agent will make entire process smoother and hassle free.
Professional Architect ( Regd. with Govt and Concerned authorities )
Before hire the services of architect , check his /her reputation and modus operandi among concerned department and clients. Architect will provide you below given services :-
- Assist you to file Application in Authorities and Department.
- Design the Location Plan, Site Plan and Subdivision of Land into Plots.
- Asist to obtain NOC from concerned authorities and departments.
- Replay and make correction after receiving the objections from authorities.
Role of Patwari and Revenue Office
As Department of Revenue governs the land related matters and custodian of records and each information of land related matters in Himachal Pradesh. So we have to take the assistance from this department too.
- To obtain the latest Jamabandi with Notes and Remarks.
- To obtain latest Tatima with details as per the requirement of Authorities.
- Demarcation Report as per the requirement of Authorities.
Checklist for Subdivision /Plotting /Development of Land cases
Application on Form -11 of H.P. Town and Country Planning Department.
Application will be submitted through Architect ( Recognized with Govt. of Himachal Pradesh ).
Copy of Title /Ownership documents i.e. latest jamabandi in original.
Jamabandi ( revenue paper ) should be remarked and verified by concerned patwari with red ink pen.

Copy of Latest Tatima
Copy of original tatima showing Khasra no (s) , description and area of land in question , abutting path with its width as well as adjoining khasra numbers falling on all the outer limits / boundaries of land in question . The land applied for is shown in red , in the tatima.

Demarcation Report
Concerned revenue office will issue the demarcation report.
Location Plan ( Design by Architect )
Location Plan provides a more comprehensive outline of particular area , showing the surrounding features in details , approach road /path.

Site Plan ( Design by Architect )
A scale drawing that maps plot, everything on it and the surrounding area , showing proposed plots , access to each plot , drainage , electricity lines , open space ( parks and plans must be signed by professional as well as owner).
Subdivision of land into plots ( Design by Architect )
The process of dividing a piece of land into smaller plots for the purpose of building houses or other structures.
Affidavits for surrender of land for path /road and open /green area
Owner or concerned person (GPA or SPA holder ) has to provide the affidavits for surrender of land for path /road and open/green area.
Fee shall be deposited after completing all the formalities
Owner or concerned person (GPA or SPA holder ) has to deposit the fee after completing all the formalities .
Photographs of Site
Submit the photographs of site by architect or owner.
No Objection Certificate (NOC) from departments and authorities as per requirements
No Objection Certificate (NOC) from departments and authorities as per requirements for High Tension (HT) , Low Tension (LT) Lines from Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board and if forest land or tree related issues , in this case take permission from Forest Department. Any kind of indulgence of any department will appear then you have to take NOC from concerned department.