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How to read Jamabandi and revenue record in Himachal Pradesh ( Part 1)

It is important to learn and understand the records and terminology of revenue because every person get in touch with land and revenue related matters directly and indirectly . Every house indulge in selling and buying process of the properties and lands directly and indirectly and seeking the consultation from other so called experts. It is important to have the basic knowledge to read and understand the Jamabandi , So we are writing here the terminology which are encountering us day to day life and or mentioned in concerned revenue papers.

let’s start with Nakal Jamabandi

नकल ( प्रतिलिपि in Hindi and Copy in English)

जमाबंदी – अधिकार अभिलेख का संशोधित रूप जिसमे भू स्वामियों व् मुजारो की भूमि , भू राजस्व एवं करो का विवरण होता है ( Revised copy of records of rights . A register of holding of owners’ and tenant prepared after every five years , showing land held by each and amounts payable as rent , land revenue .

Nakal Jambandi is also know as Fard , Parcha and Nakal etc.

रक़बा ईकाई – Land Measurement unit

Whenever you will encounter with word रक़बा ईकाई है -आ -सै , it means we are dealing with Kanal (कनाल) and Marla ( मरला ) for land measurement .

How to measure land in Kanal and Marla ( Distt. Kangra , Hamirpur and Una )

1 Marla = 206 Sq. Feet. = 19.2 Sq. Meters

20 Marla = 1 Kanal = 384 Sq. Meters

How to measure land in Biswansi – Biswa – Bigha ( Distt. Mandi , Kullu, Chamba and Lahual & Spiti )

रक़बा ईकाई बीघा -बिस्वा -वि

20 Biswansi ( 2.023 Sq. Meters ) = 1 Biswa ( 40.46 Sq. Meters )

20 Biswa = 1 Bigha ( 809.2 Sq. Meters )

Column No. 1 – Khewat Number ( खेवट नंबर )

The Khewat number normally referred as ’KHATA NUMBER’ by revenue officials is the account number given to owner(s) in Jamabandi

Column No. 2 – Khatoni Number ( खतौनी नंबर )

In this column no 2 . Account number of cultivator in records of right / jamabandi .

Column No. 3 – नाम मालिक व एहवाल

In this column no. 3 , mentioned the name of owner and description ( एहवाल ) and also their shares.

Column No. 4 – नाम काश्तकार व एहवाल

In this column no. 4 , mentioned the name of Cultivator/ Tiller ( काश्तकार ) and description ( एहवाल ) .

Column No. 5 – नाम चाह व दीगर वसायल आबपाशी

In this column no. 5 , mentioned the name of Well ( चाह ) , Other source of irrigation ( दीगर वसायल आबपाशी )

Column No. 6 – नंबर खसरा हाल

In this column no. 6 , mentioned Field number , Number given to a field in village map ( नंबर खसरा हाल ).

Column No. 7 – रकवा हर खेत व मिजान खाता मय किस्म अराजी

In this column no.7 , mentioned the measurement of each field, Type of Land , Kind of Land and Classification of land ( किस्म अराजी )

Column No. 8 – हिस्सा या पैमाना हकीयत व तरीका बाछ

In this column No.8 mentioned the Right of a land owner over shamlat / village common lands ( पैमाना हकीयत – शामलात भूमि में मालिकों के अधिकार को दर्शना ) and assessment / distribution of land revenue over land holdings ( तरीका बाछ ).

Column No. 9 – कैफियत

In this column No. 9 mentioned Remarks , Condition ( कैफियत )

This is the end of part one , in next part 2 we will discuss measurement units Marla & Kanal ( है -आ – सै , Hectare – Are – Centare ) in detailed manner .

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